西村 海都
Nishimura Kaito
English follows Japanese
大学入学後、歴史学を学んでいたが、リクルートでのマーケティングインターンを機にビジネスサイドに興味を持ち、3年へ進級すると同時に転部。 現在はジェンダーやCSRの観点から経営学を専攻している。
AppleではLGBTQ +についてはもちろん、女性の社会進出やBlack Lives Matterなどの人種差別、環境問題など様々な社会課題について社内リソースを使って学んでいる。社内でのダイバーシティ促進に関する取り組みも積極的に行っている。
また、将来はCDIO(Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer)になり、企業のダイバーシティ&インクルージョンを押し進めていきたいです。
Photoshop、Illustrator、Premiere Pro、Adobe XD、Adobe Dimension、

▼Twitter就活 クリエイティブディレクション担当
▼U18 Career Summit 「高校生アイデアソンコンテスト」supported by YMCA 審査員
▼日本最大級のベンチャーの祭典「Start Venture Festival 2020」キックオフイベントディレクション担当
▼兵庫県三田市高校生メディア クリエイティブディレクション担当
もうタブーじゃない プロジェクト プロデュース
▼東京大学と博報堂共同主催のBrand Design Contest 「BranCo!」2019,2020出場
Born in 1998 in Osaka, currently I'm living in Tokyo.
After entering university, I studied history, but after a marketing internship at Recruit inc., I became interested in the business side and switched departments as soon as I advanced to the third year. Currently, I'm majoring in Business Administration from the perspective of gender and CSR.
My Twitter feed has been well received and I currently have over 7000 followers. I send out my opinions and actions on social issues from a "perspective that only young people can see. Through appearances on TV programs, in the media, and tie-up events with companies, I disseminate information about society in a variety of places.
This is how I became interested in social issues.
A friend of mine who was job hunting told me, "When I came out as gay in my final interview, the interviewer ended the interview on the spot saying, 'You are not hired because I don't understand you,'" which shocked me and led me to learn about gender. Later, I came across the word "diversity" and was informed that companies that value diversity are mainly overseas companies. I felt the same way about Apple's philosophy of diversity and inclusion, and decided to join.
At Apple, I learn not only about LGBTQ+, but also about various social issues such as women's advancement in society, racism such as Black Lives Matter, and environmental issues using internal resources. In addition to LGBTQ+ issues, I am actively involved in efforts to promote diversity within the company.
Future vision
My goal is to make social issues pop and fun with my unique concept of "social issues x creativity = entertainment.
This idea is connected to the preconceived notions that people have when they hear the words "social issues", such as "they have a heavy image" or "they think of it as something distant that has nothing to do with them". I believe that if I could break free from this preconceived notion, people would be able to think of social issues in a more personal way.
For example, when people see a demonstration in front of the Diet building or the station, many people feel that it has nothing to do with them or that it is difficult and scary.
On the other hand, I believe that people can learn about social issues secondarily by gaining the knowledge that the food they bought for the purpose of Instagram has a background of "using vegan ingredients" or "reusing ingredients that were supposed to be discarded because they looked bad".
In this way, I believe that social issues can be understood in a more populist and fun way by adopting a "learn-by-doing" style, where the objective is entertainment but the secondary purpose is to learn about social issues.
In the future, I would also like to become a CDIO (Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer) and promote diversity and inclusion in companies.